Aurora Mobile Limited (NASDAQ: JG) disclosed that its one-click login and verification service, JVerification, currently has 1,000 paid developers using the feature. The collective JVerification SDK installations now reached 3.2 billion. JVerification was created by Aurora Mobile in collaboration with three Chinese telecom firms including China Unicom, China Mobile, and China Telecom.

JVerification is a local number verification SDK. It not only offers registration and login protocols, and ID validation solutions for Mobile APP users but also provide two-factor verification. It is the best product that not only enhances the experience of the users but also optimizes security. Shares of JG went up 1.31% during the trading session of Thursday.

Currently, mobile users are demanding useful, and safe registration practices as the application of 5G speeds up. JG has officially introduced JVerification in September 2018.  JG will continue to implement its developer-focused strategy and modernize its product portfolio, aiding mobile APP developers effectively enhance processes, and accelerate sustainable growth and revenue generation.

The product of services of JG is already a top chance for developers that seek to enhance operational effectiveness and accelerate business expansion. Recently, developers’ commitment to pay for services has compatible with their desires for additional needs that enhance operating effectiveness and accelerate the revenue generation of mobile APP traffic