Citizens, Inc. (CIA) has seen some recent action in the stock market and its common shares closed at $6.13 yesterday. People are starting to take interest of CIA as the common shares traded as high as $6.19 and as low as $6.03 in the last market session.

Citizens, Inc. (CIA) average trading volume is 76.89K. However, in the last market session Citizens, Inc. (CIA) exchanged 52,171 shares. The 1st downside support level on CIA is $6.07 and the 1st upside resistance level on CIA is $6.70. CIA 50-day moving average is $5.89 and CIA 200day moving average is $5.78.

Citizens, Inc. (CIA) recent performance has been indicated by the recent movement in CIA common shares. CIA has performed 7.17% over the past 4 weeks, CIA has performed -2.85% over the past 90 days and CIA has shown -7.12% over the past 365 days. Citizens, Inc. (CIA) has a 52 week range of $3.55 to $7.50. Citizens, Inc. (CIA) is trading 72.68% from its 52 week low and -18.27% from its 52 week high. Citizens, Inc. (CIA) is displaying a 13.96% short float displaying the amount short in the float.

CIA has 50.35M shares outstanding and 47.79M shares in the float. Citizens, Inc. (CIA) currently has a market cap of $325.81M and income of 2.40M. . The market cap of Citizens, Inc. (CIA) at $325.81M represents how many People own shares of CIA and is based off the last price ($6.13) of CIA and the amount of shares outstanding (50.35M) with Citizens, Inc. (CIA).

Citizens, Inc. (CIA) has aggregate cash (mrq) of 52.38M, aggregate cash per share (mrq) of 1.04, aggregate debt of CIA remains at 12.51M and aggregate debt/equity (mrq) is 4.32. . Citizens, Inc. (CIA) operational cash flow (ttm) is 69.37M, CIA leveraged free cash flow (ttm) is 11.23M.

CIA is trading 3.07% above (bullish) its SMA20, 4.84% above (bullish) its SMA50 and 0.83% above (bullish) its SMA200.